We are a non-profit organization working with homeless people; disabled people; socially, physically or emotionally handicapped people; and with anyone who is interested 8-).
Our main aim is to develop and perform own theatre performances, interact different kinds of human beings who for different reasons can not, do not know, or may not have chance to show their own talent.
We have done 17 performances: KRVAVÝ KĽÚČ (Bloody key) 2005
OKTAGON (Octagon) 2006
DÍA DE MUERTOS (Day of death) 2007
HAIKU 2009
ZÁZRAČNÉ DIEŤA (A Child Prodigy) 2011
Theatre of the Opressed Primeiro passo and Outro passo 2014
Compulsory reading - DIFFERENTLY 2015
SNY 2018
Cirkus Madraš 2020 on-line / 2021 life
In December 2007 took place the first Festival of homeless theaters: ERROR.
We hosted two theaters from Check Republic and Hungary here in Bratislava, Slovakia.
December 5. and 6. 2008 there was second festival - ERROR 08...We hosted theaters from HU, CZ, NL and SK.
The third year of festival ERROR hosted theaters from PL, CZ, HU and SK.
In October 2008 our theater took place in an unique project in Budapest. Here is more info.
In the year 2009 we continue in performing Día de muertos and we start to prepare a new project called HAIKU...This time a japanese theme...
In November 2009 was another premiere - HAIKU!
On the festival ERROR 09 was promoted for first time a new documentary:
Divadlo bez domova/Theater with no home.
In October 2010 we brought to the public a new play based on personal experience of the actors - KUCA PACA.
December 2010,ERROR ’10 and 78 participants from 5 countries and more than 200 visitors.It’s growing...
Since October 2010 we are a partner in an international project ARTERY.
In October 2011 we had a premiere of a new performance ZÁZRAČNÉ DIEŤA
In September 2012 we brought to the streets PLATEA...
In 2013 LaborA - a new project focused on “work in theatre” with expected result - “PUPPET” in October 2013.
The next performance is done in the theatrical technique Theatre of the Oppressed and we developed 2 performances in 2014: Primeiro passo and Outro passo.
The year 2015 we devoted to the literature...concretely to COMPULSORY READING - DIFFERENTLY the books you have to read at high schools in Slovakia.
2016 - FLASHBACK is a performance reflecting our 10 years history.
SNY / DREAMS - what are homeless people dreaming about while sleeping and what impact it has on them?
Čisté zviera / Pure animal in another stage reading from Uršula’s book, this time abut a lady living in senior’s house.
Cirkus MADRAŠ - this realistically absurd play from Daniil Charms is the way into extraordinary circus and a man who want to perform in it.